Protocol to prevent COVID-19

Due to the exceptional situation caused by COVID-19, at Hotel Rio Lagartoswehave taken security measures to guarantee the well-being of all our customers. We want to convey confidence and tranquility and ensure you an unforgettable stay with us.

Due to the legal and health requirements of each country, we inform you that there may be some changes concerning the usual offer of products and services or the use of hotel facilities, and they may differ from those described on the web

For your own safety, you should take into account the following

  • Is it mandatory to wear a mask at the hotel?
    Our top priority is to ensure that guests enjoy a safe holiday and that employees have a safe workplace.Therefore, the use of a mask is mandatory in all our hotels.
  • Does the hotel have a healthcare service?
    Medical care is available when needed. We always care to meet the needs of our guests in case they get sick during their stay
  • Do rooms remain empty for a while between guests?
    Rooms are cleaned and disinfected regularly between stays, following the reinforced protocols of Hotel Rio Lagartos.
    In the unlikely event that an infected guest had occupied a room, thorough cleaning and disinfection of the room is carried out, according to the protocol of Hotel Rio Lagartos, and the room remains empty for 72 hours, following sanitary regulations.